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Managing hyperactive kids can be a tough task. Here are some tips to help you with it.

If you’ve got a problem-child at home who can’t seem to sit still or listen mindfully, then that may be a sign of hyperactivity. It gets even worse if you hear complaints from the teachers of your child’s recklessness and lack of care both inside and outside the classroom. They are always blessed with abundant energy, because of which they are always active. Being active is in fact, a state of good health and is normal for their age. 

How to know if you have a hyperactive child?

Hyperactivity in children is characterized by reckless behaviour and too much activity that stems from receiving a lack of sufficient attention. Such kids are prone to never get tired, can’t focus or have short attention spans in general. Hyperactivity in children results in poor academic performance, lack of socialization and in severe cases even complete withdrawal from participating in group activities, which in turn can lead to depression, frustration, and poor self-esteem.

Here are some tricks and tips on how to manage hyperactive child-

Take him/her for a walk 

You can allocate a space in the house to play this game. Start by placing various objects like toys, fruits, and stationery in this space. Call out the names of the objects and ask your child to pick them up. Clap with excitement when they pick up the right object. Say a dramatic ‘NO’ in case your child identifies the incorrect object. This game helps kids in understanding emotions when expressed. It also improves their listening and observational skills.

Try and calm your child down

Changing your child’s behaviour in a day or two is next to impossible. You can tell your child to sit still for 5 minutes and then gradually increase the time. Incentivizing them for this can help increase their interest in the activity

Play Games

This is a simple but fun activity that brings out the creativity in your child. Let their imagination run wild and encourage them to create structures of different shapes and sizes.

Change Diet

Give them fresh home cooked meals that are free of preservatives and artificial flavours. Eating clean goes a long way towards improving mood, lifestyle, and overall physical and mental wellbeing

Never Neglect

Don’t leave your kids all alone every day. Be involved with their schoolwork, daily activities and give them some of your attention which they so crave. Hyperactivity stems from receiving a lack of attention. By showing appreciation in moments when you catch them doing something good or productive, they calm down and are reassured of their efforts.

Set up a Daily Routine

Setting up a routine for your child is really important and this will help them be disciplined and they would get accustomed to this behaviour. This will help reduce anxiety and restlessness